Presidents Report October 2024

General Club Information in the last 180 days - Posts open to Club members only
Dave Bax
Posts: 75
Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2020 10:53 am

Presidents Report October 2024

Post by Dave Bax »

Season end drawing near, but hopefully a handful of good days left.

The water shutoff time is getting close, after which time
(a) overnight stays in the campground are discouraged
(b) weekday operations will cease unless an announcement posted on this forum due to a likely great day.
(c) the washrooms will be out near the workshop (the club washrooms may be active for a further week or so)
(d) cleaning of clubhouse by Olivia will cease.

Hangar packing preliminary planning the weekend of November 2nd/3rd. If you have something to be packed, please be present. Flying will still continue through November, weather permitting.

Campground: our property taxes will increase from January 1st 2025 based on our 17/18 trailers, if significant this tax will be passed on to the trailer owners.

Congratulations again to the dozen members who flew their first solo this year, including the latest members: Anton & Rob (August), Luke (September) and Dana last weekend. Also Rod re-solo after some years in August. More than 1400 flights this year so far and we should reach the 2023 total of 1500. Flights are down on expectation due to poor attendance of members mid week, I would suggest. Our membership numbers are fractionally down but the the number of members actually flying or flying more than just spring checks is significantly down. One of our greatest assets is the ability of the club to operate 7 days a week, weather permitting, for the majority of the season .... so try and get benefit from that next year. Progression through the fleet has never been easier (just make your interest in other aircraft known to the CFI or other instructors).

We have suffered from various key members having medical issues this year, requiring weeks or months of recuperation before flying or restricted flying: Tom B, Tom F, Doug, Sharon, Barry and Dr. Jim. The latter two will not fly until next year. The good news they all got through their respective procedures successfully. There are at least three other members awaiting to be cleared for P1 flying (i.e. currently without a medical cat).

Tow planes: EBI expected back on line this month, LTX to have an annual this month, EKV will not be flying until early 2025. Twin-Grob Glider IKI is at XU Aviation awaiting refitting of rear canopy, most likely unavailable for use until 2025. DG500 may or may not got to Florida over winter (depending upon results of hurricane attacks on Seminole Glider port.

Paul Lamont (our AME for several years) retires this year. his work and willingness to respond quickly to any issue has been much appreciated over those those many years. Jon de Jong has agreed to take over as our licensed AME. So the club will continue to benefit from the majority of maintenance work being performed on-site. Thanks Jon for stepping up.

The Antique fly in event will be organized again, June 21st 2025 but with a simpler name to be decided (e.g. YSA open day) and more emphasis on gliding with the opportunity of powered aircraft to fly-in, including the Great War flying Museum aircraft if available. There will be planning for the event commencing next month. Lookout for emails or forum postings seeking support from members.

Club finances are secure. But some members still slow to zero their account balances with the club.

Ryan has offered to help, with my assistance, producing maybe 3 very small documents to assist newer members. These may well be put on the website. Covering:
(a)Expectations for new members (e.g. how to fit in at the flight lines, how to ensure getting timely training flights).
(b)Pricing clarity (Block times, early flights, discounts, courses)
(c)Considering XC training (e.g. mentors, Bronze Badge training)

On the last point (c) all members are reminded that YSA is fully supportive of XC from our field in both private and club aircraft provided pilots prepare properly and announce their intentions.

Aerobatic training to aerobatic instructor level has progressed well this year with Wayne carrying out about 30 training flights and a handful of aerobatic intro flights. This will continue into next year and beyond.

The weather looks OK flying this weekend (October 11th and 2th) so please make an effort to join in!

Flight sheets: less errors, thanks. Please use 24 hour clock to record times (e.g. 1301 to 1355 and not 1.01 to 1305) to help avoid data entry errors!

Not least, many thanks to those (Ken Voort, John and Tracey) for making the Yorksgiving dinner a success and great evening for members and 5th line neighbours plus the Shaws and Lamont's.