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Presidents Report Febuary 2024

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2024 2:09 pm
by Dave Bax
First, some key dates comming up:

Saturday April 20th YSA Annual dinner
Sunday April 21st Hangar talks Zoom Safety Seminar (counts as TC Recurrent training) 1600-1900 with David Donaldson
Friday May 31st Power aircraft fly-in for campground bar-b-q
Sunday June 2nd YSA AGM
Saturday June 22nd YSA+Great war Museum Fly-in open day (and Sunday 23rd rainday)

See other posts in the forum for further details

The YSA computer system (FAS) will continue to be down, for updates, but is planned to be back up before the season starts. Be aware that you may still send eTransfers to the club and if you balance covers $700+hst for Membership prior to 1st April, that will be locked in for you. Membeship after that date will be $800. All types of junior/youth memberships will remain at $250. Also, we are dropping the account numbers from FAS, just using 4-5 digit names based on christian name (e.g. TIMW for Tim Wood, DAVEW for Dave Wilson).

We always need volunteers to help out, even on non flying days, to halp a little the club will reimburse fuel costs at 10c per km for any member that does 4 hour non operational work in the course of one return trip.

During the off season, a small group of senior instructors have been reviewing all our operational procedures and manuals (e.g. tow pilot manual, members manual, training material) are being udated. Further, the Safety Officer is preparing an updated Safety Manual and our new Child Protection Officer is preparing a presentation for the AGM and YSA member guidelines.