Minutes of YSA AGM June 2024

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Dave Bax
Posts: 75
Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2020 10:53 am

Minutes of YSA AGM June 2024

Post by Dave Bax »

14 full members, qualified to vote
3 full members, not yet qualified to vote.

Meeting started, as advertised, 10.00
Dave Bax, President, presiding.

1. 2023 Minures
accepted by those present.

2. Election of Directors
There being 4 nominations for director for four director posts, no election was required.
With one Director post being for a 1 year term and the other posts being for 3 year terms, an election was needed to deternne which of the 4 directors would take the one term. However, Tracey Brake graciously volunteered to take the 1 year term, averting the need for any voting.
Thus, following no objections from the floor, Barry Briere, Dave Bax, Wayne Hewison are appointed Directors for 3 years and Tracey Brake for 1 year.

3. Presidents report
Outlined a dozen projects detailed in the January 2021 Five Year plan as completed.
Remaining to be done in the remaining 18 months of the plan:
(a)complete clubhouse flooring (office, back office, kitchen) either Fall 2024 or Spring 2025.
(b)The Board to come to a consensus on what, if anything, to do with the small hangar (e.g. is a hard apron needed, is a hard hangar floor needed, do the foundations need work, does the metal exterior need cleaning/painting, any rust to treat). Any such work determined as needed is for 2025.

Regarding past work, Paul Moggach awarded the Walter Trophy for his work in many areas over many years.

The Treasurer, Keith Laidlaw, retires as working Treasure after several years. He will remain as Treasurer to keep (with assistance from Tony Firmin) an oversight of office staff and a probable hire of a paid bookkeeper. The booker is estimated at a $4000 a year hire and to be paid for by the increase in the Membership fee by $100. Keith was awarded the Erin/Guelph trophy for his years as Treasurer.

4. Treasurers report
Essentially, all ok with our finances.
Covid loans paid off already.
The large loan to finance the new sceptic system will be reduced to zero by 2027.
With the lease agreement between YSA and neighbouring farmer, the income to YSA will be substantial by 2026.
Thus YSA should feel fairly secure financially long term.
The Treasure was pleased that The Board had adopted an approach to spend money to solve problems rather than spend less to patch them over (e.g. ground equipment and demolishing the old farmhouse and the tiling of the airfield).
Provisions have been made to maintain funds for fleet maintenance/ground equipment maintenance/tow plane engine replacement.
The financial report for 2023 will be online shortly.

5. YSA Youth Management
The Board apointed Sharon O'Leary as our Child Protection Officer (the name, but not the function, may change).
Following several incidents (none harmful or illegal but potentially a liability risk to the club and/or a member) The Board have largely supported the views of Sharon for protecting not only YSA Youth (defined as under 18 years of age), but also YSA members and the club itself.
This year, 2024, there will not be a Youth camp involving overninght stay.
Any youth staying overning must have a parent/guardian supervising them.

Several questions to Sharon were answered, and will be addressed in the club youth policy.
Further details of the club youth poilcy, to be developed by Sharon supported by Mark Voysey and the Board, will be published shortly.

6. Questions/motions from the floor
The primary question asked: A question regarding the clubs approach/fears of accidents/incidents affecting our insurance rates was answered: YSA has an above average accident rate, probably one of the best in Canada. This year our insurance costs dropped 20% despite last years write-off of a 2-33. There is no fear by the Board that YSA is uninsurable.

The meeting ended at 1100.
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