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Hearing and Balance

Hearing is a curious sense in that while it can be quite advantageous to survival, as many of our potential hazards can be noisy, it has become well developed as a medium for communication. It can further offer the advantage of allowing communication between humans while using the other senses to observe at the same time.

Just as curious, the organ of hearing, is also the site of a major apparatus used for balance. Motions of the head are sensed by movements of fluid in three semicircular bones in the inner ear. Assuming a longitudinal axis down our spine, these sensors are arranged to detect movements in three axes, tilting side-to-side, forward and backwards, and twisting. Since humans don’t normally move that fast and have long ago left the tree environment, these balancing mechanisms actually react quite slowly. We can easily be fooled about our orientation if we use them as the sole source of information.