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No glider should be moved onto the launch line, unless  it has been inspected, the proper weights are in place, the appropriate tow link is available, and the pilot and  passengers are ready to fly.  The psychology of getting ready after the towplane arrives is all wrong for maintaining safety.  The antidote is to be ready, so you can devote the correct amount of time to go through your final checks.  The sequence for this is:

  • Daily inspections are done before the glider is moved onto the active runway.
  • Weight and balance is considered first and is secured.  Appropriate tow link is available.
  • Your passenger is briefed (briefly).
  • Your passenger is secured.
  • The pilot gets in and completes the pre-takeoff checklist.
  • The wing runner retrieves the towline and does the hookup.
  • The wing runner checks the security of the passengers canopy.
  • The wing runner checks that the spoilers are closed.
  • The wing runner does a lookout and gives the all clear.
  • The pilot signals for the launch to start.
The wing runner has a lot of tasks, but ultimately is not responsible for the safety of the situation which lies with the pilot.  Nevertheless, safety is enhanced when wing runner does a good supporting job.

License: public domain